Win a free "Business & Fun" ticket for the Pilot Expo 2025 exhibition and party on the 21 & 22nd in Brussels and save 20 €.
Here are seven good reasons why every pilot and wanna-be pilot should join the Pilot Expo 2025:

1. It is the biggest gathering between airlines, recruiting agencies, flight schools and pilots in Europe
2. Find out more about the recruitment process of different airlines and their assessments.
3. You can exchange with the recruitment personnel and pilots from some of the biggest airlines in Europe, Middle East and Asia.
4. Attend several interesting speeches from different industry experts.
5. Get to know different ATO´s & flight schools and learn about the options you have to enhance your skills and licenses.
6. It is your chance to meet and connect with people from the small aviation sector. You never know what your contacts are good for.
7. It is the best place to get the latest information about the current and future job market.

Opening times of the exhibition and conferences:

- Friday, February 21, 10:00-18:00

- Saturday, February 22, 10:00-17:00


- Friday, February 21, 18:00-2:00 (official opening at 20:00)

Meet the following Airlines: